What It’s Really Like To Be An Aspiring Author and a Mum

A glimpse into an Aussie mum’s dream to be a successful writer

Lana Graham
3 min readSep 12, 2023
Photo by Shelby Deeter on Unsplash

In the sunburnt land of Australia, between a ragged Hills Hoist clothesline and a wide, toy-cluttered hallway, a spirited Aussie mum of three sons embarked on a daring quest.

Her mission: to become a successful author.

There were obstacles – time was scarce, publishing connections nonexistent and self-doubt aplenty. Yet, she soldiered on, fueled by unwavering determination and a dash of desperation.

She tapped away at her crumb-filled keyboard, surviving on mere hours of sleep and with a constant whine in her ear that could only be her five-year-old asking for yet another snack.

Flashback to the days when her sons were mere babes, and the scene was somewhat more chaotic. Changing nappies became an art form, squeezed in between chapters. Midnight was her muse, the time when the world was quiet, save for the constant tap-tap-tap of her keyboard, which her husband alikened to the scratch-scratch-scratch of mice stuttering around the bedroom.

She scribbled stories while the rest of the world slumbered. Plot holes emerged during sacred moments of breastfeeding, the rhythm of motherhood interwoven with the cadence of…

