I Haven’t Written A Story In Months, But I’m Still Earning Money

The secret is referred memberships

Lana Graham


Photo by Izzy Park on Unsplash

When I first began writing on Medium back in 2019, I didn’t know you could get paid for writing articles. I was happy to publish my articles for the mere experience of writing. I wrote in order to establish my unique writer’s voice. To learn the technique of writing for an audience. Because before Medium, I mostly wrote for myself. You know, diaries, journals and blogs that had zero views.

Now there’s an extra incentive to be a writer on Medium, and technically, it doesn’t involve writing.

If you have young kids like me, then you probably know how hard it is to write and publish stories on a regular schedule. It’s hard enough keeping your kids quiet for five minutes so you can clear your brain from dirty diapers and get your inspiration flowing! Let alone put in hours of writing, revisions and editing to produce a publishable story. If you’re lucky, you might even get curated.

It boils down to hours of painstaking work to get paid 0.07 cents. It can be heartbreaking. You wonder if it’s really worth all the effort. All this outpouring of your soul to be paid barely anything. You wonder if there’s a terribly big secret that all those top-earning Medium writers know about that you’re oblivious to.

